중점연구소 사사표기

과제기간: 2018.06.01~2027.02.28

1단계: 2018.06.01~2021.02.28

국문: 이 논문은 2018년도 정부(교육부)의 재원으로 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 기초연구사업임(2018R1A6A1A08025520

영문: This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education



  1. Kim, S., Kim, K.H., Min, B., Lim, J., and Lee, K.B., (2020), Generation of Synthetic Density Log Data Using Deep Learning Algorithm at the Golden Field in Alberta, Canada. Geofluids, 5387183,

  2. Lee, Y., Ahn, M. H., and Kang, M. (2020). The New Potential of Deep Convective Clouds as a Calibration Target for a Geostationary UV/VIS Hyperspectral Spectrometer, Remote Sensing, 12(3), 446,

  3. Park, S. K., S. Park (2020), On a Flood-Producing Coastal Mesoscale Convective Storm Associated With the Kor'easterlies: Multi-Data Analyses Using Remotely-Sensed and In-Situ Observations and Storm-Scale Model Simulations, Remote Sensing, 12, 1532,

  4. Jeong, H., Sun, A., Jeon, J., Min, B., and Jeong, D. (2020), Efficient Ensemble-based Stochastic Gradient Methods for Optimization under Geological Uncertainty. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 108,

  5. Kang, H., Y.-S. Choi , J. Hwang, and H.-S. Kim (2020), On the cloud radiative effect for tropical high clouds overlying low clouds, Geoscience Letters, 7, Article number 7,

  6. Cho, J. H., Park, G., Kwon, S., Lee, K.S., Lee, H.S., and Min, B (2020), Compositional Modeling to Analyze the Effect of CH4 on Coupled Carbon Storage and Enhanced Oil Recovery Process. Applied Sciences 10(12), 4272,

  7. Kim, S., Lee, K.B., Lim, J., Jeong, H., and Min, B.* (2020), Development of Ensemble Smoother-Neural Network and its Application to History Matching of Channelized Reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 191, 107159,

  8. Chu, M.-G., Min, B.*, Kwon, S., Park, G., Kim, S., and Huy, N.X. (2020), Determination of an Infill Well Placement using a Data-driven Multi-modal Convolutional Neural Network. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 195, (Available online 17 December 2019, Article in Press)


  1. 유하영, 김기애, 김용표, 정창훈, 신혜정, 문광주, 박승명, 이지이, (2020.03), 서울 대기 중 PM2.5 내 OC와 EC로부터 SOC 추정방법의 비교 평가, Part. Aerosol Res. 16(1), 19-30,

  2. 이원영, 성효현, 안세진, 박선기, (2020.03), Frequency Ratio와 Evidential Belief Function을 활용한 산사태 유발에 대한 환경지리적 민감성 분석과 검증 - 2013년 춘천 산사태를 중심으로 -, 한국지형학회, 27(1), 61-89,

  3. 권서윤, 박가영, 민배현*, 김기홍, 이태엽, 한저인. (2020.06), 다중비선형회귀분석을 이용한 탄산염암 저류층의 CO2-EOR 효율 평가에 관한 연구, 한국자원공학회지, 57(2), 185-194,

  4. 민배현*, 권서윤, 박가영, 정대인, 이혜선. (2020.06), 석유가스 개발사업의 인공지능기술 활용 현황 및 전망, 한국자원공학회지, 57(3), 295-308,



  1. Young-Ha Kim, George N. Kiladis, John R. Albers, Juliana Dias, Masatomo Fujiwara, James A. Anstey, In-Sun Song, Corwin J. Wright, Yoshio Kawatani, François Lott, and Changhyun Yoo (2019), Comparison of equatorial wave activity in the tropical tropopause layer and stratosphere representedin reanalyses, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 10027-10050,

  2. Lee, H., Y. S. Lee, J. Kim, K. J., Lim, and J. H., Choi (2019), Contribution of Internal Nutrients Loading on the Water Quality of a Reservoir, Water, 11(7), 1-17,

  3. Sung, M.-K., H.-Y. Jang, B.-M. Kim, S.-W. Yeh, Y.-S. Choi, and C. Yoo (2019), Tropical influence on the North Pacific Oscillation drives winter extremes in North America, Nature Climate Change, 9, 413–418,

  4. Lee, K., H.-S. Kim, and Y.-S. Choi, Effects of high-resolution geostationary satellite imagery on the predictability of tropical thunderstorms over Southeast Asia, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 19(10) , 2241-2248,

  5. Zahedi Asl, S., A. Farid, and Y.-S. Choi (2019), Assessment of CALIOP and MODIS Aerosol Products over Iran to Explore Air Quality, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 137, 112-31,

  6. Li, R. L., T. Storelvmo, A.V. Fedorov, and Y.-S. Choi (2019), A Positive Iris Feedback: Insights from Climate Simulations with Temperature Sensitive Cloud-Rain Conversion, Journal of Climate, 32(16), 5305-5324,

  7. N. C. Johnson,M. L. L'Heureux,C.‐H. Chang,Z.‐Z. Hu (2019), On the Delayed Coupling Between Ocean and Atmosphere in Recent Weak El Niño Episodes, Geophysical Research Letters, 46(20), 11416-11425,

  8. Yun, S.-G., and C. Yoo (2019), The effects of spring and winter blocking on PM10 concentration in Korea. Atmosphere, 10(7), 410,

  9. Kim, S., B. Min, S. Kwon, and M.-g. Chu (2019), History Matching of a Channelized Reservoir Using a Serial Denoising Autoencoder Integrated with ES-MDA, Geofluids, 2019, Article ID 3280961, 1-22,


  1. Lee, Y., H.S. Jeon, K. Lee, B. Min, and Y.-S. Choi (2019), A Review on Disaster Response through Critical Discourse Analysis of Newspaper Articles―Focused on the November 2017 Pohang Earthquake, Journal of the Society of Disaster Information, 15(2), 223-228,

  2. Yeom, B.-M., H. Lee, H.-I, Moon, D.-G., Yun, and J.H., Choi (2019), Study on the Management of Doam Dam Operation by the Analysis of Suspended Solids Behavior in the lake, Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment, 35(6), 470-480,



  1. Cassardo, C., S.K., Park, Sungmin, O., and M., Galli (2018), Projected Changes in Soil Temperature and Surface Energy Budget Components over the Alps and Northern Italy, Water, 10(7), 954,

  2. Lee, S.-S., Z. Li, Y.-S. Choi, and C.-H. Jung (2018), Aerosol as a potential factor to control the increasing torrential rain events in urban areas over the last decades, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(16), 2531-12550,

  3. Min, B., Sun, A.Y., Wheeler, M.F., and Jeong, H. (2018), Utilization of Multiobjective Optimization for Pulse Testing Dataset from a CO2 EOR/Sequestration Field, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 170, 244-266,


  1. Lee, J., B. Min, S. Jo, and J.Kim (2018), Optimization of SAGD Process Using Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm, Journal of the Korean Society of Mineral and Energy Resources Engineers, 55(5), 421-430,


  1. Mamombe, V., W. Kim, and Y.-S. Choi (2017), Rainfall variability over Zimbabwe and its relation to large-scale atmosphere-ocean processes, International Journal of Climatology, 37(2), 963-971, 10

  2. Choi, Y.-S., H. Gim, C.-H. Ho, S.-J. Jeong, S. K. Park and M. J. Hayes (2017), Climatic influence on corn sowing date in the Midwestern United States, International Journal of Climatology, 37(3), 1595-1602

  3. Wu, D., B. Baum, Y.-S. Choi, M. Foster, K. Karlsson, A. Heidinger, C. Poulsen, M. Pavolonis, J. Riedi, R. Roebeling, S. Sherwood, A. Thoss, and P. Watts (2017), Towards global harmonization of derived cloud products, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98, ES49-ES52

  4. Kim, H.-S., Y.-S. Choi, J.-H. Kim, and W. Kim (2017), Multiple aspects of northern hemispheric wintertime cold extremes as revealed by Markov Chain analysis, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 53(1), 51-61

  5. Su, H., J. Jiang, J. D. Neelin, T.P. Shen, C. Zhai, Q. Yue, Z. Wang, L. Huang, Y.-S. Choi, G. Stephens, and Y. Yung (2017), Tightening of tropical ascent and high clouds key to precipitation change in a warmer climate, Nature Communications, 8, 15771.

  6. Choi, Y.-S., W. Kim, S.-W. Yeh, H. Masunaga, M.-J. Kwon, H.-S. Jo, and L. Huang (2017), Revisiting the Iris Effect of Tropical Cirrus Clouds with TRMM and A-train Satellite Data, Journal of Geophysical Research, 122(11), 5917-5931

  7. Kim, W., and Y.-S. Choi (2017), Long-term change of the atmospheric energy cycles and weather disturbances, Climate Dynamics, 49, 3605-3617

  8. Lee, S.-S., Z. Li, J. Mok, M.-H. Ahn, B.-G. Kim, Y.-S. Choi., C.-H. Jung, and H.-L. Yoo (2017), Interactions between aerosol absorption, thermodynamics, dynamics, and microphysics and their impacts on a multiple-cloud system, Climate Dynamics, 49(11-12), 3905-3921.

  9. Wang, Y., J. Jiang, H. Su, Y.-S., Choi, L. Huang, J. Guo, and Y. Yung (2017), Elucidating the Role of Anthropogenic Aerosols In the Arctic Sea Ice Variations, Journal of Climate, 31(1), 99-114,


  1. Sojung Park, and Seon Ki Park (2016), Parameterization of the snow-covered surface albedo in the Noah-MP Version 1.0 by implementing vegetation effects, Geoscientific Model Development, 9(3)

  2. Saratale, Rijuta G.; Sivapathan, Silojah S.; Jung, Woo J.; Kim, Hee Y.; Saratale, Ganesh D.; Kim, Dong S. (2016), Preparation of activated carbons from peach stone by H4P2O7 activation and its application for the removal of Acid Red 18 and dye containing wastewater, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART A-TOXIC/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 51(2)

  3. Jin Won Kim, and Seon Ki Park (2016), Uncertainties in calculating precipitation climatology in East Asia, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 20(2)

  4. Kim, Y., Y.-S. Choi, B.-M. Kim, and H. Kim (2016), Influence of altered low cloud parameterizations for seasonal variation of Arctic cloud amount on climate feedbacks, Climate Dynamics, 47(5),1661-1672

  5. Jun, S.-Y., C.-H. Ho, J.-H. Jeong, Y.-S. Choi, and B.-M. Kim (2016), Recent changes in winter Arctic clouds and their relationships with sea ice and atmospheric conditions, Tellus A, 68, 29130

  6. Lashkari, A., M. Bannayan, A. Koochaki, A. Alizadeh, Y.-S. Choi, and S. K. Park (2016), Applicability of AgMERRA forcing dataset for gap-filling of in-situ meteorological observation, Case Study: Mashhad Plain, Journal of Water and Soil, 29, 6 (in Persian).

  7. Kim, Y., H.-R. Kim, Y.-S. Choi, W. Kim, and H.-S. Kim (2016), Development of statistical seasonal prediction models of Arctic sea ice concentration using CERES absorbed solar radiation, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 52(5), 1-11


  1. Jung, Byung-Joon; Jeanneau, Laurent; Alewell, Christine; Kim, Bomchul; Park, Ji-Hyung (2015), Downstream alteration of the composition and biodegradability of particulate organic carbon in a mountainous, mixed land-use watershed, BIOGEOCHEMISTRY, 122(1)

  2. Lee, Eun-Hee; Choi, Sun-Ah; Yi, Taewoo; Kim, Tae Gwan; Lee, Sang-Don; Cho, Kyung-Suk (2015), Effects of granular activated carbon on methane removal performance and methanotrophic community of a lab-scale bioreactor, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART A-TOXIC/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 50(2)

  3. Saratale, Rijuta G.; Saratale, Ganesh D.; Govindwar, Sanjay P.; Kim, Dong S. (2015), Exploiting the efficacy of Lysinibacillus sp. RGS for decolorization and detoxification of industrial dyes, textile effluent and bioreactor studies, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART A-TOXIC/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 50(2)

  4. Hang Vo-Minh Nguyen; Moon, Seung-Jae; Choi, Jung Hyun (2015), Improving the application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for the determination of total carbon in soils, ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 187(2)

  5. Myung-Sook Park;Myong-In Lee;Hyerim Kim;Jungho Im;Jung-Moon Yoo (2015), Spatial and diurnal variations of storm heights in the East Asia summer monsoon: storm height regimes and large-scale diurnal modulation, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, 25(1)

  6. Bae, Jeehwan; Ryu, Youngryel (2015), Land use and land cover changes explain spatial and temporal variations of the soil organic carbon stocks in a constructed urban park, LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING

  7. Park, S. K.; Lim, S.; Zupanski, M. (2015), Structure of forecast error covariance in coupled atmosphere-chemistry data assimilation, GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT, 8(5)

  8. Hang Vo-Minh Nguyen; Choi, Jung Hyun (2015), Changes in the dissolved organic matter leaching from soil under severe temperature and N-deposition, ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 187(6)

  9. El-Askary, H.; Park, S. K.; Ahn, M. H.; Prasad, A.; Kafatos, M. (2015), On the Detection and Monitoring of the Transport of an Asian Dust Storm Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Remote Sensing, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATICS, 25(2)

  10. Lim, S.; Park, S. K.; Zupanski, M. (2015), Ensemble data assimilation of total column ozone using a coupled meteorology-chemistry model and its impact on the structure of Typhoon Nabi (2005), ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 15(17)

  11. J-M Yoo;M J Jeong;D Kim;W R Stockwell;JH Yang;HW Shin;M-I Lee;CK Song;SD Lee (2015), Spatiotemporal variations of air pollutants O3 NO2 SO2 CO PM10 and VOCs with land-use types, ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 15(18)

  12. Lee, Hye Won; Kim, Eun Jung; Park, Seok Soon; Choi, Jung Hyun (2015), Effects of Climate Change on the Movement of Turbidity Flow in a Stratified Reservoir, WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, 29(11)

  13. Kang HJ; Yoo JM;Jeong MJ;Won YI (2015),Uncertainties of satellite-derived surface skin temperatures in the polar oceans: MODIS AIRSAMSU and AIRS only, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 8(10)

  14. Hong S;Park SK;Yu X (2015), Scheme-Based Optimization of Land Surface Model Using a Micro-Genetic Algorithm: Assessment of Its Performance and Usability for Regional Applications, SOLA, 11(1)

  15. Lee, Hyun-Ju; Chun, Kun-Woo; Shope, Christopher L.; Park, Ji-Hyung (2015), Multiple Time-Scale Monitoring to Address Dynamic Seasonality and Storm Pulses of Stream Water Quality in Mountainous Watersheds, WATER, 7(11)

  16. Seungjoon Lee;Youngryel Ryu;Chongya Jiang (2015), Urban heat mitigation by roof surface materials during the East Asian summer monsoon, Environmental Research Letters, 10(12)

  17. Eun-Hee Lee;Kyung-Eun Moon;Tae Gwan Kim;Sang-Don Lee;Kyung-Suk Cho (2015), Inhibitory effects of sulfur compounds on methane oxidation, JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING, 120(6)


  1. Yoo, Jung-Moon; Lee, Yu-Ri; Kim, Dongchul; Jeong, Myeong-Jae; Stockwell, William R.; Kundu, Praun K.; Oh, Soo-Min; Shin, Dong-Bin; Lee, Suk-Jo (2014), New indices for wet scavenging of air pollutants (O-3, CO, NO2, SO2, and PM10) by summertime rain, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT

  2. Choi, Yong-Sang; Cho, Heeje; Ho, Chang-Hoi; Lindzen, Richard S.; Park, Seon Ki; Yu, Xing (2014), Influence of non-feedback variations of radiation on the determination of climate feedback, THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, 115(41641)

  3. Park, Ji-Hyung; Meusburger, Katrin; Jang, Inyoung; Kang, Hojeong; Alewell, Christine (2014), Erosion-induced changes in soil biogeochemical and microbiological properties in Swiss Alpine grasslands, SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY

  4. Choi, Yong-Sang; Ho, Chang-Hoi; Park, Chang-Eui; Storelvmo, Trude; Tan, Ivy (2014), Influence of cloud phase composition on climate feedbacks, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 119(7)

  5. Lee, June-Yi; Wang, Bin; Seo, Kyong-Hwan; Kug, Jong-Seong; Choi, Yong-Sang; Kosaka, Yu; Ha, Kyung-Ja (2014), Future Change of Northern Hemisphere Summer Tropical-Extratropical Teleconnection in CMIP5 Models*, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 27(10)

  6. Oh, Sejin; Kim, Dong S. (2014), Adsorption features of heavy metal ions on activated carbon in single and multisolute systems, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART A-TOXIC/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 49(6)

  7. Tan, Ivy; Storelvmo, Trude; Choi, Yong-Sang (2014), Spaceborne lidar observations of the ice-nucleating potential of dust, polluted dust, and smoke aerosols in mixed-phase clouds, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 119(11)

  8. Ryu, Youngryel; Lee, Galam; Jeon, Soohyun; Song, Youngkeun; Kimm, Hyungsuk (2014), Monitoring multi-layer canopy spring phenology of temperate deciduous and evergreen forests using low-cost spectral sensors, REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT

  9. Jeong, Su-Jong; Ho, Chang-Hoi; Piao, Shilong; Kim, Jinwon; Ciais, Philippe; Lee, Yun-Bok; Jhun, Jong-Ghap; Park, Seon Ki (2014), Effects of double cropping on summer climate of the North China Plain and neighbouring regions, NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, 4(7)

  10. Park, R. J.; Hong, S. K.; Kwon, H. -A.; Kim, S.; Guenther, A.; Woo, J. -H.; Loughner, C. P. (2014), An evaluation of ozone dry deposition simulations in East Asia, ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 14(15)

  11. Lee, Sang-Don; Miller-Rushing, Abraham J. (2014), Degradation, urbanization, and restoration: A review of the challenges and future of conservation on the Korean Peninsula, BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION

  12. Saratale, Rijuta G.; Noh, Hyun S.; Song, Ji Y.; Kim, Dong S. (2014), Influence of parameters on the photocatalytic degradation of phenolic contaminants in wastewater using TiO2/UV syste, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART A-TOXIC/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 49(13)

  13. Ki, Bomin; Park, Suyoung; Choi, Jung Hyun (2014), Production of Recalcitrant Organic Matter under the Influence of Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Temperature, WATER ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH, 86(9)

  14. Hong, S.; Yu, X.; Park, S. K.; Choi, Y. -S.; Myoung, B. (2014), Assessing optimal set of implemented physical parameterization schemes in a multi-physics land surface model using genetic algorithm, GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT, 7(5)

  15. Song, Youngkeun; Ryu, Youngryel; Jeon, Soohyun (2014), Interannual variability of regional evapotranspiration under precipitation extremes: A case study of the Youngsan River basin in Korea, JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 519()

  16. Jung, B. -J.; Lee, J. -K.; Kim, H.; Park, J. -H. (2014), Export, biodegradation, and disinfection byproduct formation of dissolved and particulate organic carbon in a forested headwater stream during extreme rainfall events, BIOGEOSCIENCES, 11(21)

  17. Kim, Na Kyung; Kim, Yong Pyo; Morino, Yu; Kurokawa, Jun-ichi; Ohara, Toshimasa (2014), Verification of NOx emission inventories over North Korea, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION


  1. Oh, Hye-Ryun; Ho, Chang-Hoi; Choi, Yong-Sang (2013), Comments on "direct radiative forcing of anthropogenic aerosols over oceans from satellite observation", ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 30(1)

  2. Wang, Sookyun; Choi, Jung Hyun (2013), Simulating fate and transport of chromium in saturated sediments, APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, 37(41276)

  3. Lee, Hye Won; Park, Seok Soon (2013), A hydrodynamic modeling study to estimate the flushing rate in a large coastal embayment, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 115()

  4. Mao, Rui; Ho, Chang-Hoi; Feng, Song; Gong, Dao-Yi; Shao, Yaping (2013), The influence of vegetation variation on Northeast Asian dust activity, ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 49(1)

  5. Lee, Y. -R.; Yoo, J. -M.; Jeong, M. -J.; Won, Y. -I.; Hearty, T.; Shin, D. -B. (2013), Comparison between MODIS and AIRS/AMSU satellite-derived surface skin temperatures, ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES, 6(2)

  6. Yu, Xing; Park, Seon Ki; Lee, Yong Hee; Choi, Yong Sang (2013), Quantitative Precipitation Forecast of a Tropical Cyclone through Optimal Parameter Estimation in a Convective Parameterization, SOLA, 9()

  7. Shin, H. J.; Kim, J. C.; Lee, S. J.; Kim, Y. P. (2013), Evaluation of the optimum volatile organic compounds control strategy considering the formation of ozone and secondary organic aerosol in Seoul, Korea, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, 20(3)

  8. Myoung, Boksoon; Choi, Yong-Sang; Hong, Seungbum; Park, Seon Ki (2013), Inter- and intra-annual variability of vegetation in the northern hemisphere and its association with precursory meteorological factors, GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES, 27(1)

  9. Jeong, Su-Jong; Ho, Chang-Hoi; Choi, Sung-Deuk; Kim, Jinwon; Lee, Eun-Ju; Gim, Hyeon-Ju (2013), Satellite Data-Based Phenological Evaluation of the Nationwide Reforestation of South Korea, PLOS ONE, 8(3)

  10. Yoo, Jung-Moon; Won, Young-In; Jeong, Myeong-Jae; Kim, Kyu-Myong; Shin, Dong-Bin; Lee, Yu-Ri; Cho, Young-Jun (2013), Intensity of climate variability derived from the satellite and MERRA reanalysis temperatures: AO, ENSO, and QBO, JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL PHYSICS, 95-96()

  11. Jin, Chun-Sil; Ho, Chang-Hoi; Kim, Joo-Hong; Lee, Dong-Kyou; Cha, Dong-Hyun; Yeh, Sang-Wook (2013), Critical Role of Northern Off-Equatorial Sea Surface Temperature Forcing Associated with Central Pacific El Nino in More Frequent Tropical Cyclone Movements toward East Asia, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 26(8)

  12. Lambert, F.; Kug, J-S.; Park, R. J.; Mahowald, N.; Winckler, G.; Abe-Ouchi, A.; O`ishi, R.; Takemura, T.; Lee, J-H (2013), The role of mineral-dust aerosols in polar temperature amplification, NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, 3(5)

  13. Jo, D. S.; Park, R. J.; Kim, M. J.; Spracklen, D. V. (2013), Effects of chemical aging on global secondary organic aerosol using the volatility basis set approach, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 81()

  14. Oh, Hye-Ryun; Choi, Yong-Sang; Ho, Chang-Hoi; Jeong, Myeong-Jae (2013), Estimation of aerosol direct radiative effects for all-sky conditions from CERES and MODIS observations, JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL PHYSICS, 102()

  15. Moon, Seung-Jae; Choi, Jung Hyun (2013), Estimation of Thermal Conductivity of Amorphous Silicon Thin Films from the Optical Reflectivity Measurement, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 13(9)

  16. Kim, Na Kyung; Kim, Yong Pyo; Morino, Yu; Kurokawa, Jun-ichi; Ohara, Toshimasa (2013), Verification of NOx emission inventory over South Korea using sectoral activity data and satellite observation of NO2 vertical column densities, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 770


  1. Jeong, Jee-Hoon; Kug, Jong-Seong; Kim, Baek-Min; Min, Seung-Ki; Linderholm, Hans W.; Ho, Chang-Hoi; Rayner, David; Chen, Deliang; Jun, Sang-Yoon (2012), Greening in the circumpolar high-latitude may amplify warming in the growing season, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, 38(20120708)

  2. Shin, H. J.; Cho, K. M.; Han, J. S.; Kim, J. S.; Kim, Y. P. (2012), The Effects of Precursor Emission and Background Concentration Changes on the Surface Ozone Concentration over Korea, AEROSOL AND AIR QUALITY RESEARCH,12(1)

  3. Kim, J. Y.; Lee, J. Y.; Choi, S. -D.; Kim, Y. P.; Ghim, Y. S. (2012), Gaseous and particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at the Gosan background site in East Asia, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 490

  4. Kim, J. Y.; Lee, J. Y.; Kim, Y. P.; Lee, S. -B.; Jin, H. C.; Bae, G. -N.(2012), Seasonal characteristics of the gaseous and particulate PAHs at a roadside station in Seoul, Korea, ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH. 116()

  5. Jung, Byung-Joon; Lee, Hyun-Ju; Jeong, Jong-Jin; Owen, Jeffrey; Kim, Bomchul; Meusburger, Katrin; Alewell, Christine; Gebauer, Gerhard; Shope, Christopher; Park, Ji-Hyung (2012), Storm pulses and varying sources of hydrologic carbon export from a mountainous watershed, JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 440()

  6. Lee, Hye Won; Kim, Eun Jung; Park, Seok Soon; Choi, Jung Hyun (2012), Effects of climate change on the thermal structure of lakes in the Asian Monsoon Area, CLIMATIC CHANGE, 112(20120304)

  7. Lee, Min-Hee; Ho, Chang-Hoi; Kim, Joo-Hong; Song, Hyo-Jong (2012), Low-frequency variability of tropical cyclone-induced heavy rainfall over East Asia associated with tropical and North Pacific sea surface temperatures, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 117()

  8. Myoung, Boksoon; Choi, Yong-Sang; Choi, Suk-Jin; Park, Seon Ki (2012), Impact of vegetation on land-atmosphere coupling strength and its implication for desertification mitigation over East Asia, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 117()

  9. Ho, C. -H.; Park, S. -J.; Jeong, S. -J.; Kim, J.; Jhun, J. -G. (2012), Observational Evidences of Double Cropping Impacts on the Climate in the Northern China Plains, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 25(13)

  10. Jeong, Jong-Jin; Bartsch, Svenja; Fleckenstein, Jan H.; Matzner, Egbert; Tenhunen, John D.; Lee, Sang Don; Park, Seon Ki; Park, Ji-Hyung (2012), Differential storm responses of dissolved and particulate organic carbon in a mountainous headwater stream, investigated by high-frequency, in situ optical measurements, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES, 117()

  11. Lee, Ji Yi; Lane, Douglas A.; Heo, Jong Bae; Yi, Seung-Muk; Kim, Yong Pyo (2012), Quantification and seasonal pattern of atmospheric reaction products of gas phase PAHs in PM2.5, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 55()

  12. Choi, Yong-Sang; Kim, Bo-Ram (2012), PM10 weekly periodicity in Beijing and Tianjin, 2000-2009: Anthropogenic or natural contributions?, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 55()

  13. Yeo, M. J.; Kim, Y. P.(2012),Flexible operation of the Cap-and-Trade System for the air pollutants in the Seoul Metropolitan area, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 105()

  14. Choi, Sung-Deuk; Ghim, Young Sung; Lee, Ji Yi; Kim, Jin Young; Kim, Yong Pyo (2012), Factors affecting the level and pattern of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at Gosan, Korea during a dust period, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 227()

  15. Cho, Heeje; Ho, Chang-Hoi; Choi, Yong-Sang (2012), The observed variation in cloud-induced longwave radiation in response to sea surface temperature over the Pacific warm pool from MTSAT-1R imagery, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 39()

  16. Kettering, Janine; Park, Ji-Hyung; Lindner, Steve; Lee, Bora; Tenhunen, John; Kuzyakov, Yakov (2012), N fluxes in an agricultural catchment under monsoon climate: A budget approach at different scales, AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT, 161()

  17. Choi, Yong-Sang; Song, Hyo-Jong (2012), On the numerical integration of a randomly forced system: variation and feedback estimation, THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, 110(40910)

  18. Kim, Min-kyung; Lee, Sang-im; Lee, Hang; Lee, Sangdon (2012), Molecular Tools for Species and Sex Identification in the Mixed-species Flocks of Bean Geese and White-fronted Geese, ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE. 29(11)


  1. Park, Ji-Hyung Inam, Edu Abdullah, Mohd Harun Agustiyani, Dwi Duan, Lei Thi Thuong Hoang Kim, Kyoung-Woong Kim, Sang Don My Hoa Nguyen Trai Pekthong Sao, Vibol Sarjiya, Antonius Savathvong, Sianouvong Sthiannopkao, Suthipong Syers, J. Keith Wirojanagud, Wanpen (2011), Implications of rainfall variability for seasonality and climate-induced risks concerning surface water quality in East Asia, JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 400(20110304)

  2. Lim, Bomi Ki, Bomin Choi, Jung Hyun (2011), Evaluation of Nutrient Release from Sediments of Artificial Lake, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING-ASCE, 137(5)

  3. Lee, Sang-Don Ellwood, Elizabeth R. Park, Se-young Primack, Richard B. (2011), Late-arriving barn swallows linked to population declines, BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, 144(9)

  4. Kim, Baek Jun Lee, Nam Sook Lee, Sang Don (2011), Feeding diets of the Korean water deer (Hydropotes inermis argyropus) based on a 202 bp rbcL sequence analysis, CONSERVATION GENETICS, 12(3)

  5. Park, Tae-Won Ho, Chang-Hoi Jeong, Su-Jong Choi, Yong-Sang Park, Seon Ki Song, Chang-Keun (2011), Different characteristics of cold day and cold surge frequency over East Asia in a global warming situation, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 116

  6. Kim, Baek-Jun Oh, Dae-Hyun Chun, Seung-Hoon Lee, Sang-Don (2011), Distribution, density, and habitat use of the Korean water deer (Hydropotes inermis argyropus) in Korea, LANDSCAPE AND ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 7(2)

  7. Lindzen, Richard S. Choi, Yong-Sang (2011), On the observational determination of climate sensitivity and its implications, ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 47(4)

  8. 김백준;이상돈 (2011), Home Range Study of the Korean Waterdeer (Hydropotes inermis agyropus) using Radio and GPS tracking in South Korea: comparison of daily and seasonal habitat use pattern,Journal of Ecology and Field Biology, 34(4)

  9. Ryu, Jae H. Lee, Joo Heon Jeong, Sangman Park, Seon K. Han, Kyuha (2011), The impacts of climate change on local hydrology and low flow frequency in the Geum River Basin, Korea, HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 25(22)

  10. Myoung, Boksoon; Choi, Yong-Sang; Park, Seon Ki (2011), A Review on Vegetation Models and Applicability to Climate Simulations at Regional Scale, ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 47(5)

  11. Kim, N. K. Kim, Y. P. Kang, C. -H. (2011), Long-term trend of aerosol composition and direct radiative forcing due to aerosols over Gosan: TSP, PM10, and PM2.5 data between 1992 and 2008, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 45(34)

  12. Yoo, Jung-Moon; Won, Young-In; Cho, Young-Jun; Jeong, Myeong-Jae; Shin, Dong-Bin; Lee, Suk-Jo; Lee, Yu-Ri; Oh, Soo-Min; Ban, Soo-Jin (2011), Temperature Trends in the Skin/Surface, Mid-troposphere and Low Stratosphere Near Korea from Satellite and Ground Measurements, ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 47(5)


  1. Park, Ji-Hyung Duan, Lei Kim, Bomchul Mitchell, Myron J. Shibata, Hideaki (2010), Potential effects of climate change and variability on watershed biogeochemical processes and water quality in Northeast Asia, ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL, 36(2)

  2. Ijagbemi, Christianah Olakitan Baek, Mi-Hwa Kim, Dong-Su (2010), Adsorptive performance of un-calcined sodium exchanged and acid modified montmorillonite for Ni2+ removal: Equilibrium, kinetics, thermodynamics and regeneration studies, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 174(20100103)

  3. CHRISTIANAH O IJAGBEMI;JI I CHUN;DAH HAN;HYEY CHO;SE J O;DONG S KIM (2010), Methylene Blue adsorption from aqueous solution by activated carbon: Effect of acidic and alkaline solution treatments, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART A-TOXIC/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 45(8)

  4. Baek, Mi-Hwa Ijagbemi, Christianah Olakitan Se-Jin, O. Kim, Dong-Su (2010), Removal of Malachite Green from aqueous solution using degreased coffee bean, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 176(20100103)

  5. Baek, Mi-Hwa Ijagbemi, Christianah Olakitan Kim, Dong-Su (2010), Spectroscopic studies on the oxidative decomposition of Malachite Green using ozone, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART A-TOXIC/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 45(5)

  6. Choi, Yong-Sang Lindzen, Richard S. Ho, Chang-Hoi Kim, Jinwon (2010), Space observations of cold-cloud phase change, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 107(25)

  7. Ibanez, Ines Primack, Richard B. Miller-Rushing, Abraham J. Ellwood, Elizabeth Higuchi, Hiroyoshi Lee, Sang Don Kobori, Hiromi Silander, John A. (2010), Forecasting phenology under global warming, PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 365(1555)

  8. In, Hee-Jin Kim, Yong Pyo (2010), Estimation of the aerosol optical thickness distribution in the Northeast Asian forest fire episode in May 2003: Possible missing emissions, ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, 98(20100204)

  9. Jo, Kyeong-Won Park, Ji-Hyung (2010), Rapid Release and Changing Sources of Pb in a Mountainous Watershed during Extreme Rainfall Events, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 44(24)


  1. Choi, Jung Hyun Kang, Hojeong Park, Seok Soon (2009), Comparison of Enzyme Activities in Vegetated and Nonvegetated Sediments, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING-ASCE, 135(5)


  1. Huy, N.X., Dung, T.Q., Trang, N.T.T., Hoang, C.M., Min, B., Delia, A.A.-M., Binh, K.N., Modelling the Petroleum Generation and Migration of Tertiary Source Rocks in the Deepwater of Phu Khanh Basin, Offshore Vietnam. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology.


  1. Hwang, J., Y.-S. Choi, Hui Su, and Jonathan H., Jiang (2020), Invariability of Arctic top of atmosphere radiative response to surface temperature changes, Earth and Space Science, Accepted (2020.09).


  1. Lee, H. M., Lee, S. P., Li, Y., Yu, J. Z., Kim, J. Y., Kim, Y. P., Lee, J. Y.: Characterization of seasonal difference of HULIS-C sources from water soluble PM2.5 in Seoul, Korea: probing secondary processes, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, In minor revision.

  2. Won Young Lee, Seon Ki Park, Hyo Hyun Sung, The optimal rainfall thresholds and probabilistic rainfall conditions for a landslide early warning system. Landslides, In minor revision.

  3. Jeon, H.S., E. Park, H. Kang, C. Sung, H.-Y. Paik, H. Lee, and Y.-S. Choi (2019), Review of Climate Change Studies in Perspective of Gender, Journal of Climate Change Research, In revision.

  4. Kim, H.-R., Kim, B.-M., Jun, S.-Y., and Choi, Y.-S. (2020), Altered sub-seasonal predictability of Community Atmosphere Model 5 (CAM5) in CESM 1.2.1 by the choices of dynamical core, Geoscientific Model Development,, In revision.

  5. Kim, N. K., Kim, I. S., Song, I. H., Park, S. M., Lim, H. B., Kim, Y. P., Shin, H. J., Lee, J. Y., Temporal variation of sulfate concentration in PM2.5 and major factors enhancing sulfate concentration in the atmosphere of Seoul, Korea, Atmosphere, In revision.

  6. Chang, C.-H., N. Johnson, C. Yoo, and C.-H. Sui: Evaluation of subseasonal impacts of the MJO/BSISO in the East Asian extended summer. Climate Dynamics, In revision.

  7. Kim, M., C. Yoo, M.-K. Sung, and S. Lee: Classification of wintertime atmospheric teleconnection patterns in the Northern Hemisphere. Journal of Climate, In revision.


  1. Fan, H., X. Hu, S. Yang, Y.-S. Choi, and Y.-K. Lee (2020), Relative contributions of thermodynamic and dynamic processes to the future warming projection and its uncertainty over East Asia, Climate Dynamics, Submitted (NRF-EDU, NRF-NSFC).

  2. Jeon, H. S., K. Lee, Y. Lee, E.-G. Park, and Y.-S. Choi (2020), Effective Disaster Measures for Cambodia: Implications from Focus Group Interview with Potential Young Professionals in Cambodia, Social Work in Public Health, Submitted (KMI, NRF-EDU).

  3. Shin, U., S.-H. Park, J.-S. Park, J.-H. Koo, C. Yoo, S. Kim, and J.-B. Lee: Predictability of atmospheric blocking for PM2.5 concentrations in Seoul using NCEP global forecast system. Atmospheric Environment, Submitted.